Dear students,

This is an era of fast changing trends. Whatever we are doing today becomes out dated tomorrow. Hence to protect our mother earth from turmoil of all upheavals. We should devote ourselves for the cause of continuous development at world level.
The world has become one with the advent of information technology. We should try to take best advantages of this. You are at an age where you need to know everything about new inventions. We also need to know which career suits best to our aptitude and temperament.
Never go on opting others as what suits to one child may not be suitable for you. We should fight for the cause of Human Rights to make our Mother Earth a better place to live in.
We should never forget that we are DAV Products and good moral values are inculcated in us from the day one. Today we cannot live in isolation you also come across a lot of news on Terrorism and Violence Remember when ever such news appears understand why it has occurred. This may become your base knowledge for handling such problems tomorrow.